throw\ off

throw\ off
1. III
1) throw off smth., smb. /smth., smb. off/ throw off one's clothes (the bed-clothes, one's mask, one's disguise, etc.) сбрасывать [с себя] одежду и т.д.; he threw off his coat and jumped into the river он сбросил пальто и прыгнул в реку; his enemy held him tightly and he couldn't throw him off враг крепко держал его, и он не мог от него освободиться /сбросить его, отбросить, стряхнуть/
2) throw off smth., smb. /smth., smb. off/ throw off an illness (a bad habit, a certain stiffness of manner, hesitation, fatigue, one's responsibilities, etc.) избавляться /отделываться/ от болезни и т.д.; throw off an undesirable acquaintance (a dependent, a troublesome busybody, etc.) избавляться от нежелательного знакомства и т.д.; throw off one's pursuers уйти от погони; throw off the yoke (the yoke of slavery, the shackles, etc.) сбросить иго и т.п.
3) throw off smth. /smth. off/ throw off a poem (an epigram, a paradox, brilliant sayings, etc.) легко и быстро сочинять /набрасывать/ поэму и т.д.
4) throw off smth. throw off the switch tech. выключать рубильник
2. VII
throw off smth. to do smth. coll. the M. С. threw off a few songs and jokes to begin the show для начала конферансье с ходу выдал несколько песен и отколол пару шуток
3. XI
1) be thrown off by smth. the water thrown off by the centrifugal movement вода, отбрасываемая центробежной силой
2) be thrown off in some manner colds are not easily thrown off in weather such as this в такую погоду как эта, от простуды нелегко избавиться
3) be thrown off by smth. thrown off by jeers she forgot her lines презрительные насмешки привели ее в замешательство, и она забыла слова роли

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "throw\ off" в других словарях:

  • throw off at — ˌthrow ˈoff at [transitive] [he/she/it throws off at present participle throwing off at past tense threw off at past participle thrown off at] australia …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw off — (something) to quickly remove something. The boys threw off their clothes and jumped into the lake. Dad threw the cover off and there was a beautiful new bike just for me! Opposite of: throw on (something) …   New idioms dictionary

  • Throw-off — n. A start in a hunt or a race. [Eng.] [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw off — [v] elude, escape abuse, deceive, evade, get away from, give the slip*, leave behind, lose, outdistance, outrun, shake off, trick; concept 102 Ant. face, meet …   New thesaurus

  • throw off — index abandon (relinquish), dispel, emit, repel (drive back) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • throw off — verb 1. get rid of (Freq. 2) he shed his image as a pushy boss shed your clothes • Syn: ↑shed, ↑cast, ↑cast off, ↑shake off, ↑throw, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms throw off : present tense I/you/we/they throw off he/she/it throws off present participle throwing off past tense threw off past participle thrown off 1) to quickly remove a piece of clothing Dieter threw off… …   English dictionary

  • throw off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you throw off something that is restricting you or making you unhappy, you get rid of it. [V P n (not pron)] ...a country ready to throw off the shackles of its colonial past... [V n P] One day depression descended upon him,… …   English dictionary

  • throw off — {v.} 1. To get free from. * /He was healthy enough to throw off his cold easily./ Compare: RID OF. 2. To mislead; confuse; fool. * /They went by a different route to throw the hostile bandits off their track./ 3. To produce easily or as if… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • throw off — {v.} 1. To get free from. * /He was healthy enough to throw off his cold easily./ Compare: RID OF. 2. To mislead; confuse; fool. * /They went by a different route to throw the hostile bandits off their track./ 3. To produce easily or as if… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • throw\ off — v 1. To get free from. He was healthy enough to throw off his cold easily. Compare: rid of 2. To mislead; confuse; fool. They went by a different route to throw the hostile bandits off their track. 3. To produce easily or as if without effort.… …   Словарь американских идиом

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